Credit Reporting

We participate in credit reporting. If you apply for a services from us, we may request a credit report about you from a credit reporting body. Credit reports contain information that can help us assess your application, including your credit history with other providers.


What’s a ‘Credit Reporting Body’?

These are companies that hold credit information about individuals and provide it to credit providers in certain circumstances, including when:

  • A customer applies to be provided with services (such as the merchant facility).
  • The credit provider is trying to help a customer avoid defaulting.


Sharing Your Information With Credit Reporting Bodies

When we request a credit report, or when we are required to share ongoing information about your arrangements with us, we need to give the credit reporting body:

  • Information about you (such as your name and address and other personal information we hold about you) to make sure we receive the correct credit report.
  • Information about your application.

We need to share more information with a credit reporting body, on an ongoing basis. This ensures it can be included in your credit report and shared with other credit providers, upon request.

The information we share with credit reporting bodies is information we’ve collected through your use of our services and includes:

  • The type of service.
  • The terms and conditions.
  • When your account is opened and closed.

Also, we need to report information to a credit reporting body when you:

  • Default on your obligations; or
  • Commit a serious infringement (e.g. fraudulent behaviour or deliberately seeking to evade your repayment obligations).

But we also let them know when you:

  • Make repayments on time; or
  • Correct a default.


Who Are The Credit Reporting Bodies?


Call:    13 83 32

Mail:   Equifax Australia Information Services and Solutions Pty Limited, PO Box 964, North Sydney, NSW 2059.



Just So You Know: If you’d like to know how these credit reporting bodies manage your personal information, you can contact them directly and request a copy of their Privacy Policy.


Using Information We’ve Received From Credit Reporting Bodies

We can use this information to:

  • Assess your application for the merchant facility.
  • Assess your suitability to act as a guarantor.
  • Manage accounts and carry out general administration and operational tasks. For example, risk management, market and customer satisfaction research, staff training, and collecting debts.
  • Meet requirements of any laws, regulations, codes of practice and payment systems.

Often, we’ll combine the information obtained from a credit reporting body with the data we already hold about you, like:

  • Information from your application form
  • Other publicly available information 

We can then use the combined information to create a ‘risk score’ or rating, which we use to decide whether you’re suitable to be provided with a merchant facility.


Sharing Your Credit Information

Special rules apply to how we share information we get from a credit reporting body.

  • Generally we can only share this information with:
  • Our related entities – they use and disclose the information as we do.
  • Credit providers – to assess credit or investigate suspected fraud.
  • Agents and contractors or service providers – such as debt collection agencies.
  • Your guarantors.
  • Regulatory bodies, government agencies and law enforcement bodies or courts – when we’re required or authorised by law.



If you think you’ve been, or are likely to be, a victim of fraud – for example, because you suspect someone else is applying for credit in your name – you’ve got a right to request credit reporting bodies don’t use or disclose credit reports held about you.

To do this, contact the credit reporting body directly. After making such a request, the credit reporting body won’t share your credit report information for 21 days. (Please note you can request an extension to this period.)