Alipay+ and WeChat Pay

Allow over 1 billion customers to pay with their preferred payment method.

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Let people pay with popular digital wallet solutions

ANZ Worldline Payment Solutions now gives you the option to accept payments from two of the world's fastest growing platforms.

Why enable Alipay+ and WeChat Pay?


Launched in 2020, Alipay+ connects merchants with digitally friendly customers across the world.

Over 1 billion users1 across Asia use these digital wallets. Supporting 6 digital wallets in Australia and more on the way, you can potentially increase your sales by allowing your customers to pay with their preferred Alipay+ wallet.


WeChat Pay
WeChat Pay lives within WeChat, one of China's largest instant messaging and lifestyle apps with over 1.3 billion users2.

Once a user has linked their bank account to WeChat Pay, they can use it to make purchases from stores that accept this payment method.


No new hardware needed

Accept Alipay+ and WeChat Pay digital wallets directly on your EFTPOS Terminal3.

Acceptance enabled by Worldline's QR Code

Worldline's QR code, deployed in Europe and now being rolled out in Australia, is a fully integrated and interoperable QR code solution. Designed to alleviate the complexities you face when accepting multiple QR code-based payment methods, you can now accept payments from Alipay+ digital wallets and WeChat Pay through the singular QR code that appears automatically on your EFTPOS Terminal screen upon checkout.

Sales made even simpler

 You are three steps away from more payment options:

If you already have a Worldline Move 5000 EFTPOS Terminal, you can easily enable Alipay+ and WeChat Pay acceptance.

Call us on 1300 366 988 and our team will run you through the process.


Frequently asked questions

  • You can accept Alipay+ and WeChat Pay with a Worldline Move 5000. Sign up online or request a call to find out more.

  • No, acceptance of Alipay+ and WeChat Pay is done via the QR code that automatically appears at payment on your Worldline Move 5000 EFTPOS Terminal.

  •  You’ll receive settlement in AUD generally within 2 business days4.

Get in touch


  3. Alipay+ digital wallets and WeChat Pay are supported on our Worldline Move 5000 Terminal. For existing customers with the Worldline Move 5000, please call us on 1300 366 988 to discuss adding Alipay+ and WeChat Pay to your terminal.
  4. Please note that proceeds from any Alipay+ or WeChat Pay transactions will generally settle in two business days' following the date the sales transaction was originally processed. Terms and conditions apply. Worldline may defer settlement for proceeds in circumstances specified in the General Conditions.


ANZ Worldline Payment Solutions means Worldline Australia Pty Ltd ACN 645 073 034 (“Worldline”), a provider of merchant solutions. Worldline is not an authorised deposit taking institution (ADI) and entry into any agreement with Worldline is neither a deposit nor liability of Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited ACN 005 357 522 (“ANZ”) or any of its related bodies corporate (together “ANZ Group”). Neither ANZ nor any other member of the ANZ Group stands behind or guarantees Worldline.