ANZ eGate Developer Kits
This page contains Developer Kits and relevant information for each ANZ eGate Implementation Option.
Got a question? Contact supportANZ eGate downloads
Click on the appropriate link to download the ANZ eGate information you require.
- ANZ eGate Merchant Admin Quick Reference Guide (PDF 3.5MB)
Quick reference guide showing how to log into ANZ eGate Merchant Administration, perform purchase and refund transactions and searching for transactions.
- ANZ eGate FAQs (PDF 40kB)
Entrust Certificate Update
These documents relate to the Entrust Certificate update on MiGS, which powers ANZ eGateTM, on 28 April 2015.
- Entrust Chain (Zip .cer files, 3.31kB)
- Entrust Full Chain (.p7b files, 2.30kB)
- Installing in Windows Internet Browser (PDF 433kB)
- Installing in Windows IIS (PDF 265kB)
- Installing in Apache/PHP/cURL (PDF 129kB)
- Example Error Messages if Certificates are outdated(PDF 380kB)
If you are unsure of the option that best suits your requirements, please contact ANZ Worldline Payment Solutions on 1800 039 025.
What do you need to do?
Setting up
Follow the instructions in the relevant install kits to run the sample code and integrate it into your website or application software. You should send test transactions using the sample code provided and integrate these pages into your website or application.
Once you have successfully integrated the sample code into a test site, please run some test transactions using the test card and test amounts provided in the download kits to simulate both approved and declined transactions. For the Virtual Payment Client tests, refer to the testing notes in the Developers Kit.
Going live
Once you are satisfied that you have successfully tested the system, upload your new payment pages and live website. Refer to your activation email for specific instructions.
Should you have any questions regarding the Implementation suitable for your website, please contact the ANZ eGate Help Desk.
Australian Customers
- Telephone: 1800 039 025 (select option 2) between the hours of 8am to 8pm, AEST, Monday to Friday.
- Email: ANZ Worldline Payment Solutions eCommerce Support
New Zealand Customers
- Telephone: 0800 338 767 (select option 2) between the hours of 8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday.
- Email: ANZ eGate New Zealand
Need assistance?
Contact our Merchant Support team, available 24/7.
Important Information
For ANZ business account holders, funds are available on the same day for online transactions, processed through the terminal and settled before 9pm (AEST). For non-ANZ business account holders, for online transactions processed through the terminal, ANZ Worldline Payment Solutions will transfer the funds to the merchant’s bank on the following business day and the availability of the funds will be determined by the merchant’s bank. For transactions processed offline or via Paper Merchant Vouchers, these settlement times do not apply.