Ready to get started?
Need more? We can tailor a plan that suits your unique business needs. Request a time for us to call you to discuss your business needs.
✔ Need flexibility for a counter top and mobile device
✔ Want to accept all types of fast contactless payments via most cards and smart devices/wallets
✔ Want to toggle between connectivity modes such as ethernet, WIFI and 4G
✔ Want a standalone EFTPOS machine or require integration with your point of sale system
Need more? We can tailor a plan that suits your unique business needs. Request a time for us to call you to discuss your business needs.
Checkout our helpful guides for the ANZ POS Move™:
ANZ Worldline Payment Solutions means Worldline Australia Pty Ltd ACN 645 073 034 (“Worldline”), a provider of merchant solutions. Worldline is not an authorised deposit taking institution (ADI) and entry into any agreement with Worldline is neither a deposit nor liability of Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited ACN 005 357 522 (“ANZ”) or any of its related bodies corporate (together “ANZ Group”). Neither ANZ nor any other member of the ANZ Group stands behind or guarantees Worldline.