To use the Worldline Tap on Mobile App, you need to have applied and been approved for a Tap on Mobile Merchant Facility with ANZ Worldline Payment Solutions. Once you’ve been approved, you'll receive a Welcome email from noreply@worldline.com.
Please register your account by clicking “Confirm registration”.

- Fill in the email address provided in your application in the login field.

2. Create a password and confirm with “Register”.
Note: You’ll use these registration details to login to the Online Portal and link your Merchant Facility to the Eligible Mobile Device you’ve downloaded the Tap on Mobile App on (see step 4).
For your Apple Device to be eligible it has to be an iPhone XS or later, using iOS 16.4 or later, has App Store installed, and Internet access.
When using the Tap on Mobile App (‘App’), your device turns into a device for you to receive payments on. Consequently, during installation, our App will:
- Ask you for your consent to use the App by agreeing to the “User Agreement”.
- Ask you for special permissions and consents that are necessary to secure the transaction process according to the requirements created and verified by the payment schemes and PCI SSC (Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council).
It's your choice whether you choose to agree to the “User Agreement” and grant the permissions, but if you don’t you will not be able to use the Tap on Mobile App.

The Tap on Mobile App will ask you to register your device during installation. To do so you will need your Tap on Mobile App and access to the Online Portal.
- Follow the ‘Register your device’ process in the Tap on Mobile App.

2. Copy the one-time code that is displayed in your Tap on Mobile App.

3. Log in to the Online Portal https://taponmobile.portal.anzworldline-solutions.com.au/, with your email address and password.
4. Select “Terminals”, choose a terminal with status “Available” and click the arrow “˅”.

5. Select "Edit".

6. Add a "Name" for your user/device.

Note: It is recommended that you initiate the name user with device type e.g. Android or iOS, This will make it easier for you to search and manage your devices/users.
e.g. Name: Android – John ABC, or iOS – John ABC, etc
7. Select "Registration".

8. Enter the one-time code from your Tap on Mobile App and select "Find registration".

9. Confirm the registration.

10. A one-time password is displayed. Enter this password in your Tap on Mobile App to complete your registration.

Finish the App setup by setting a PIN to access the App.
- Set a device security code for your Tap on Mobile App, then click “Accept”.

2. Unlock your App, using the code you just created.
Your Tap on Mobile Contract Module will state the number of TIDs assigned to your account. To link an available TID to an additional device:
- Download the App on a compatible device, and check its compatibility to use “Worldline Tap on Mobile” App – as illustrated in step 2 above.
- Agree to use “Worldline Tap on Mobile” App – as illustrated in step 3 above.
- Register your device – as illustrated in step 4 above.
- Finish the setup of your Tap on Mobile App – as illustrated in step 5 above.
Occasionally, you might need to remove or uninstall the App from a certain mobile device and install it in another. In that case, you can follow either of these methods:
From the mobile device:
- Open the App on the device you want to uninstall the App from.
- On the login screen, select “Unregister device”.

From the Online Portal:
- Go to “Terminals” tab in the Online Portal.
- Select the required terminal, and click the arrow “˅”.
- Click on “Disconnect”.

Accepting contactless payments with Tap On Mobile - Apple

- Select “Payment” and enter the amount.
- To pay, ask the customer to their tap the credit or debit card, mobile wallet or wearables at the back of the device.
- If prompted, ask customer to enter their PIN.
- Transaction is completed when the screen says ‘Approved’.
- Send a receipt via email or QR code, then select the “Close”.

Reversing Payments with Tap On Mobile - Apple
- Select “Transactions”.

2. From the Transactions list, go to the last sale transaction. Be sure to check that you’ve got the correct transactions. Once reversed, you will not be able to change your mind.
3. Tap on “Reversal”.
4. When prompted to confirm your selection, select “Confirm”.

5. Transaction will be reversed / cancelled.
6. In the transactions list, the reversed / cancelled transaction will be shown with Strikethrough.

7. You can send the updated receipt via email or QR code, then close.
Refunding Payments with Tap On Mobile - Apple
- Select “Transactions”.

2. The transaction list contains all of your transactions in the last 6 months. From the transactions list, go to the sale transaction you need to refund. Either by looking for it from the available list, or use the “Transaction filters”.

Be sure to check that you’ve got the correct transactions. Once refunded, you will not be able to change your mind.
3. Once required transaction is selected, tap on “Refund”.

4. Ask customer to tap the same credit or debit card, mobile wallet or wearables that was used to perform the purchase on back of the mobile.

5. The transaction will be refunded.
6. In the Transactions list, the refunded transaction would be shown in red.

7. You can send the updated receipt via email or QR code, then close.
Transaction Type + Status combination on the Online Portal:
- Sale + Cleared: i.e., Purchase/Sale process was accepted and completed.
- Sale + Cancelled: i.e., Purchase/Sale process was reversed or cancelled.
- Sale + Declined: i.e., Purchase/Sale process was declined by customer before completion.
- Sale + Refunded: i.e., Purchase/Sale transaction was refunded.
- Refund + Authorised: i.e., the refund process was authorised and completed.
- The transactions will appear on the Online Portal and Merchant Portal in “near real-time”, if you still cannot see a transaction on either, please refresh the page and it should appear.
- The Tap on Mobile App graph will only display transaction data for up to 1 week.
- The Online Portal will only display transaction data for up to 1 month.
- For older transactions, please refer to your Merchant Portal, which holds information for up to 24 months.
- Please note temporary disruptions and outages for system maintenance may apply to the Online Portal.
- Limits apply to any of your customers that are using the following physical cards to complete a sales / purchase transaction:
Scheme Limit in AUD Visa Purchase amount >$200 Mastercard Purchase amount >$100 EFTPOS Limits Depends on the card issuing bank Your eligible mobile device will require a customer to key in their card pin for any amount above the limit displayed above.
Please note that if the customer uses their digital wallet (either phone or watch) then they will not be required to enter any card pin on your eligible mobile device.